Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday Tip - Find an hour a day to play!

I've been reading a book titled Stress Proof your Life (52 Brilliant Ideas) by Elisabeth Wilson. Here is brilliant idea number duo!

Chapter Two - Find an hour a day to play
Wilson asks the reader to imagine you had an hour a day to do anything you want. What would you do? She points out that most things will break down into two categories.
1- The things you want to do because they're fun or enjoyable
2- The things you know you should do because the benefits are good for you.
It really is important to take time out for yourself. So often we make other people's needs a priority before our own. It might seem impossible to find an hour to do something you enjoy doing but it's sooooo necessary for both your emotional and physical health. If you truely can't find an hour to dedicate to yourself then Wilson suggests you make a list of EVERYTHING you're expected to do in the next week then identify the things that can be delegated to someone else. All too often we think we're the only ones who can do these tasks when in reality they can be done by someone else.

"People who spend at least a bit of their time doing the stuff that they want to do tend to feel that they're in control, and that's majorly de-stressing."

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