Monday, February 28, 2011

marvelous monday...

So, today as I checked our bank statement I discovered that someone had hacked into our paypal account and charged something for 95 dollars FIFTEEN TIMES!!!! We're working on getting it straightened out and while it definitely wasn't one of my most marvelous Monday's ever there were a few marvelous moment's I'd like to share with you.

Marvelous moment # 1 - Getting a beautiful and cheery plant from my Paula friend.

Marvelous moment # 2 - Having a former student spend the day with me and seeing what an awesome young lady she's becoming.

Marvelous moment # 3 - Hearing some exciting baby news from someone close (sorry, it's too early to spread the word but it's exciting and NO it's NOT ME!!!)

Happy Monday, all


Leave a happy thought ;-)